Christopher Mosetick
DevOps Architect & Engineer
DevOps & Cloud Infrastructure specialist with over 10 years experience.

DevOps & Cloud Infrastructure
Docker - Terraform - Packer - Kubernetes - Monitoring - Logging
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Specialist in Linux | Docker | Kubernetes | Infrastructure as Code (IaC) | Command Line Tools
I've been working with a variety of Linux distributions and containers for over 10 years. Both on servers, and as a daily desktop.
Also I've spent around 10 years with MacOS, mostly as a developer workstation. I've primarily worked with Linux and MacOS based operating systems to develop, configure and maintain infrastructure for a variety of companies and projects.
Additonally I have experience with Windows Server and BSD distributions.

Amazon Web Services | Google Cloud Platform | Azure | Linode | Bare Metal Prototyping
Experienced with major Cloud Platforms